Logo Logistik KGJ

Unternehmensberatung Logistik

Karl-Gerd Jux

D - 41836 Hückelhoven - Heerstr. 21 - Telefon +49 (0) 2433 / 442950

Legal information

Unternehmensberatung Logistik
Karl-Gerd Jux
Heerstr. 21
D-41836 Hückelhoven

Postal address
Postfach 61 10
D-41828 Hückelhoven

Phone: +49 (0) 2433 / 442950
Fax: +49 (0) 2433 / 525139

e-Mail: consulting@logistik-kgj.com

Founded: 2007

Headquarters: Hückelhoven

VAT ID.: DE255938287

Owner and responsible for content:
Karl-Gerd Jux


The information and opinions contained on our pages are not an exclusive and comprehensive representation. They are not able to and are not intended to replace an individual analysis and a resulting solution. Any liability for the use of the information provided on our website is therefore excluded. There is no liability accepted that the information provided is correct, complete or up to date.
Links to the content of other websites are always selected and provided by us with the utmost care. The content offered by these linked sites is the sole responsibility of the respective providers of these sites.


The content of these pages - particularly texts, design and HTML/CSS code - are protected by copyright. The images or graphics presented may not be used in their entirety or in altered form without the written consent of schmitt-IT-support as the author.
Any brand names and trademarks shown which are owned by third parties are subject to the valid laws for the proprietary rights of the respective registered owner.

Contact prior to legal warning

If the content or design of these pages infringes upon the rights or legal stipulations of third parties, we request a corresponding notification without a debit note. Legitimately disputed passages will be immediately removed without legal assistance required on your part. If you hire an attorney, you may not exercise the right to mitigate these costs according to: § 254 BGB.

Foto K.-G. jux
Karl-Gerd Jux


Ausdauer, Sorgfalt und Investition.


Organisation und Keyelemente um schnell wachsen und expandieren zu können.
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